I’m here to support, mirror and hold you
so you can hold yourself

while tuning out
the noise enough to hear
your own desires

My containers offer a safe place to question everything you were led to believe

And a soft landing space to play, try new things, flop, unravel, and come back together again. 

The intention behind my offerings is promoting your journey of unlearning and reclaiming.

Stepping into your purpose with devotion and pleasure as both, mother and entrepreneur 

while supporting your nervous system to handle the expansion and abundance that is your birthright


Book a FREE Voxer Day with me

reorient to your vision, reclaim your desires, and walk away with courage to take inspired action

VOXER is a free voice note/messaging app

work with me

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HELD is a playground for conscious + curious entrepreneurs desiring a landing place for integration, embodiment, self exploration, soul work, and regenerative business strategy.

Private business & matrescence coaching

She Thrives is a 1-1 portal to unravel, meet + expand your edges, and come out more embodied and in tune with your purpose.

In this space, I support you to find yourself in motherhood while you birth (or rebirth) the foundations of an aligned, sustainable, online and heart-centred biz.

mastermind for mother entrepreneurs

The only online space where you don’t need to compartmentalize your mothering and entrepreneur roles.

Recalibrate is your text-in-the-middle-of-the-night group of mom friends, a council of wise women to see you when you can’t see yourself, and an implementation container to stretch yourself personally, and holistically grow your online biz, all wrapped into one.

Hey, I’m Nicole

Unapologetically on a mission to live a life with intention…and eat as many donuts as possible

My second coolest super power after being the best mom to my daughter Aubree is walking with women on their journey of self exploration and biz development.

I believe you can build a sustainable feminine embodied online business without losing yourself in patriarchal motherhood or sacrificing time with your kids.